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Interim Executive Director

Nonprofit Interim Executive Director Services

Remmell Consulting provides interim executive director services that are tailored to your organizations’ distinct needs. We begin by determining what kind of leader the organization needs. Does your organization need a leader to assess and conduct systematic changes, or a leader to maintain status quo?


​When organizations experience leadership transitions, an interim executive director can help steer the ship amidst a sea of changes. We customize our services according to the situational needs of the staff and board leadership. Sometimes, an interim leader can provide stability while an executive search is completed. In other situations, the interim leader may create a loose strategic plan that sets up the next leader for success. We can provide daily hands-on leadership rather than being a part-time consultant.

Remmell Consulting recently worked with a client to assume duties similar to an interim executive director including:


  • Creating budgets and financial systems and managing vendor negotiations

  • Transitioning programming operations from paper to electronic software platform

  • Marketing and communication strategy and implementation

  • Fund development planning and implementation that resulted in an End-of-Year appeal that brought in 59% of annual individual gifts, including a new donor gift of $50,000

  • Designing administrative staffing plan

  • Managing conceptual planning of a multi-million dollar building renovation

  • Board governance evaluation, by-law changes, and recruitment of 50% new members


To learn more about how we can support your organization through a leadership transition, get in touch.

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