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Transform your nonprofit

About Remmell Consulting

We believe that your nonprofit should operate like a business. When your organization has a sustainable funding model, you can focus on capacity building, growth, and fulfilling your mission.


Remmell Consulting advocates for organizational social capitalism, where organizations use their capital to promote social good. We help you break out of the "Nonprofit Starvation Cycle" and create a thriving organization.

Our Services

Fund Development

Our fund development strategy centers around engaging volunteers, donors, investors, and what we call "social capitalists." Craft a comprehensive fund development plan to secure financial stability for your organization.


Does your board have the right mix of talent and influence? Create a board that serves your mission. Effective nonprofit governance is vital to any nonprofit's financial stability and programmatic success.

Interim Executive Director

Is your nonprofit going through a leadership transition? An experienced interim executive director can help steer the ship amidst a sea of changes. We provide hands-on leadership customized to the needs of your nonprofit.

Strategic Planning

Dream up a more productive future for the community that you serve. Strategic planning is crucially important for any size nonprofit. After a thorough assessment, we help your nonprofit determine goals, create a map towards success, and clarify the metrics you will use to measure success.

Capital Campaigns

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