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Fund Development

Expert Fund Development for Nonprofits

At Remmell Consulting, we believe that nonprofits should operate like a business—we like to think of our sector as organizational social capitalism. When your organization has a sustainable funding model, you can focus on capacity building, growth, and fulfilling your mission.


Our fund development philosophy focuses on volunteers, donors, investors and social capitalists. Fund development is about identifying and stewarding investors who are interested in supporting your work. The majority of donors contribute to the nonprofit sector because they have a personal connection, not because of the tax deduction. We will help you identify your ideal social capitalists who want to invest in your work.


Together, we can design a fund development plan that will secure the resources necessary to support your programs and increase your overall financial sustainability. Our fund development consulting process takes a practical/relational approach to fundraising:


  • Identify and evaluate your funding model

  • Optimize existing initiatives and create multiple revenue streams

  • Introduce innovative approaches to maximize investor engagement

  • Strategically plan special events that connect donors with your mission

  • Create opportunities for potential donors to connect with your program participants

  • Design your staffing model and marketing plan to support fundraising

  • Assess fund development and donor stewardship strategies


Remmell Consulting recently worked with an unhoused services nonprofit to create a fund development plan and coach staff/board on implementation. This plan introduced the organization to new earned revenue opportunities and facilitated a $50,000 impact investment grant.


To learn more about how your organization can strategically secure donors who will help you meet your long-term goals, get in touch.

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